The Model 58TF Accu-CoderPro is a 58 mm thru-bore encoder that is specifically designed for the challenges of an industrial environment.
Its advanced set of electronics allow the encoder to be configured to meet your exact application needs.
Choose from 6 output types, 32 different waveforms, and select any resolution from 1 to 65,536 CPR (262,144 counts in full quadrature).
The Model 58TF is also highly mechanically configurable, with bore options up to 5/8" or 15 mm, several flexible mounting options, multiple connector options, and sealing up to IP67.
This versatile thru-bore encoder can go in almost any application.
InputVolts | InputCurrent | OutputFormat | OutputTypes | Index | Freq | Accuracy | Shaft | Radial | Axial | MaxSpeed | StartTorque | MomInertia | Weight | Vibration | Shock | Seal |
4.75 to 30 VDC max | 100 mA max with no output load | Incremental, Programmable | Open Collector | Pull Up | Push-Pull | Line Driver | 1 per rev. | Programmable | 2.7 MHz | Better than 54 arc-sec | 303 Stainless Steel | 0.005" max | ±0.030 max | 6000 RPM | IP50 3 oz-in | IP64 4 oz-in | IP66, IP67 7 oz-in | 5.5 x 10⁻⁴ oz-in-sec² | 10 oz. | 10 to 2000 Hz A 20g | 80g @ 6 ms Duration | IP50 Std; IP64, IP66, IP67 optional |
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